
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Chronicles of von Brecher: Der Erste

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Falling Star

knit one overrated glow middle lamp lay boiling lick, paste unwritten existence contradict unhealthy sparkle conquer real chairs, tremble give nutritious rush, soar endorse puffy turkey stick withdraw abrupt scream This poem was composed using the words shown above, from a random word generator.


Words are weapons that wreck Wielded in wastlelands wreaked by weeds Worthless, wearisome wrangles Wars waged with wantonness A wicked word welts and wounds Weakens, wears, and wrings Wayward warnings, worrisome wallops Whittles a welcome to wordless wails Warmth wanes for want of worship Wonder withers, whimpers by the wayside Wishes wilt, wince with the wind Whispers of worry, whines go wild Wisdom withheld wavers Wit not written is weightless Worlds of wealth winnowed by the wind A wellspring of water wasted Weave with wholehearted wariness Woes worded with wretched whims But write as wise warriors Words that win willing witnesses


please wash away the second continental obligation  meeting clothes differ discover the belly of a convict equip him to jump the problem reporter wheel a memorial contempt wriggle, tread, soar to the satellite flag the marketing cheat  with a handy provincial farewell proud, talented prince channel his major worry, and relate the flow of the hierarchy dominates his college  and turns heaven difficult and into an admiration of an aluminium attic remind them of the rock of grounds grandfather wrestled for scream off the myths roar for victory small traits

Matka, Muter, Ammee...

Here's to all the ones Who are up before the sun And hides in the storage room To get some paperwork done Who cooks for hours on weekends And goes to a hundred playdates Feeds the baby while on a Zoom meeting While corporate stuff she delegates Here's to those who thinks About everyone all day Looking after their affairs So not a one is in disarray She smiles as she remembers The tiny faces in her locket For whom she says her prayers Alone in her secret closet Here's to you, Mommy Nanay, Maman, Makuahine Aiti, Maji, Okaasan Matka, Muter, Ammee Words do not suffice Nor flowers, hugs, or chocolate For all you are and do And the love you pull out of your pocket So put on your stilettos Sneakers or dancing shoes Some mascara, a red lippy A dress in the shade of chartreuse Or put your feet up on the sofa Binge-watch a show for hours Or read all day in the garden Today you won't need your superpowers ...