
Someday you will meet someone who will know everything about you.

How you bawled your eyes out when Mufasa died.
How you hid in the basement closet with your imaginary friend.
How you waved at planes that flew over your backyard and imagined you were riding one all the way to Themyscira.
How your dreams would play out like a sci-fi movie.
How at 4 years old you walked 3 miles from school to home by yourself because you got tired of waiting for the person who was supposed to pick you up.
How you like tuna melt sandwiches but not tuna and tomato sauce but not tomatoes; or that you love the crust more than the pizza.
How you like to grill your steak well done and your rice (and meat) a little burnt because they taste better that way.
How you felt a void when you said goodbye to Hermione, Ron, and Harry.
How you love the sight of a clean house, with all things in their proper places but hate doing house chores.
How you hold your tongue at political debates or sports arguments because you care about a friendship more than you care about being right.
How you really can’t dance but dance anyway.
How you insist on singing even when you bungle the notes because you occasionally get them right.
How you think getting dolled up for a night out, church, a party, or for anything random is a fun thing to do.
How you stare at the mirror and smile at the thought of having your hand held while driving.
How you watched The Neverending Story over and over until you have memorized all the lines; or The Sound of Music until you knew all the songs; or that you’ve worn out your DVD copies of the Star Wars saga and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
How you have never outgrown cartoons, fairy tales, and superheroes.
How you told someone your secret and was betrayed in the most trivial of ways.
How you had your heart broken by a boy who didn’t even know you loved him.
How you gasp at the sight of every sunset as though it’s made of magic beans, pixie dust, and perfume in an alabaster jar.

Someday you will meet someone who will know everything about you. And you will know everything about him. And you will like each other till love takes over.


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