The Final Countdown

T-3 hours and counting

Body fully parallel to the ground
Almost eerily quiet; no sound
Thoughts come flooding in; they're profound
Of how I'd oft be lost and oft be found

Recollections of cords that had me bound
There was plenty of that to go around
Errors were hammers; my soul to pound
Their residue to this day still hounds

For now allay them on this mound
The others have in teardrops drowned
Where once my smile was I have frowned
But hope and promise now abound

T-20 minutes and holding

Eager to leave the world behind; this earthly blue
The solid sphere of life that we all made of you
A mix of good and bad and false and true
Needing to live and breathe and thrive anew

My mind meanders on someone that I formerly knew
On things that we'd say and things that we'd do
On how it all started and how it was all misconstrued
On where it all led to and how we bid adieu

Emotions still mixed and linger in different hues
I'm spent with the sight of these old, familiar views
Imagining the fresh, inspiring, untainted queues
And perhaps sip, savor, take in pristine brews

T-20 minutes and counting

What would newness feel like to one who's been so stranded?
Would it be exactly what the soul yearned for, demanded?
Would a change in terra firma be to me readily handed?
Eager for a sensual overload once we've landed

I hope I have kept aligned to all that's been commanded
Every truth of patience, perseverance firmly planted
And yet just bracing for times where I'll be reprimanded
Stay low and go slow, I will remain candid

No turning back now; my life, my soul's been branded
My decision to pursue this course has been frequently slanted
At other times, my choices regarded with speech backhanded
But none of that ever worked; only His plan did

T-9 minutes and holding

Edgy and on the edge of my seat
I'll say this again; I will repeat:
These minutes will make my life complete
Declaring what once was held discreet

All that came before were lessons sweet
Pungent scents and bitter tastes retreat
Sharpened words intended to mistreat
They have now been rendered obsolete

At this point there's no need to compete
My destiny has been made concrete
I'm looking forward to meet and greet
The places I will touch with my feet

T-9 minutes and counting

I close my eyes
And think some more
I pace my breaths
And silence my core
I think about
What else is in store
I then look up
Let's go explore

T-5 minutes and counting

I'm a ball of nerves
Jittery, excited
No longer attached
Elated, delighted
I'm joining the banquet
I have been invited
I'm ready for lift off
My senses ignited

T-10 seconds and counting

My ultimate playlist:
My Foremans, my Tedders,
my Arandas in tow

My most preferred clothes:
Some brown-colored sweaters
and blues in a row

My favorite movies:
The Marvels, the Star Wars,
Netflix and Jon Snow

My arts and crafts knickknacks:
For cross-stitching, scrapbooking,
and coloring crows

T-0 seconds

Oh, God!
This is it!

See you soon,
you far distant twit!

Fare thee well,
you somber, sullen pit!

I am so glad
that I did not quit!

- - - - -

Today's writing prompt was called The Rocket-ship. The challenge was to write about a spaceship on its way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away. I kind of took some liberty with it and instead wrote about how I would feel leaving the planet for a new, far away one. ;)


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