Darkness and Light

Let the light shine through. 

The darkness was comfortable
A familiar place
In its nooks and crannies
You adjusted
No one could see your pain
You're invisible
The hurt was a fixture in your heart
A constant
The tears flowed fast and freely
No one saw
The screams you muffled
No one noticed
Guilt and shame were your companions
Always there
Fear and anxiety stayed close
Like shadows

You step out into the light
And cringe
The brilliance and magnificence
The scars on your heart
Laid bare
The deep wounds in your soul
There is no corner to hide in
All open
Out here is strange and different
Yet also familiar
The light kisses and embraces you
Knows you
Your chains and shackles are gone
Burned away

Darkness destroys and depresses
Light liberates and lifts


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