

Honesty is overrated they say
Some truths you hide and don't relay
But someday all will be revealed anyway
Why not now? Why delay?

Feelings you used to have
All you have lost, all those you love
Confessing them is a salve
Secrets cause hearts to halve

Confusion ensues each time you cower
Deceit and lies don't give them power
Your eyes, your smile, your voice, you falter
A pause, a sigh, you blow your cover

On the edge of a precipice you jump off
Hoping the half-truths on your back are enough
To break your fall? That'll be tough!
The ground is unforgiving, rough

So tell the truth, don't glaze it over
Don't pretend all's never been better
It may hurt, cause things to flutter
Let it be heard now, not never


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