Prompted: Earl

This week's first writing prompt is the word 'earl'.

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The Earls of Love
( b y   J u c y )

The pEARLs he gave her that night glimmered under the starlight

They look grand, lightly perched on her EARLobes

The pEARLescent orbs a compliment to her perfectly tanned skin

Five decades thence and five more hence, he loved her fiercely and dEARLy

His brown shEARLing wool coat, a covert witness

To his fEARLess profession of sober yet true love

Daily, monthly, yEARLy he proved his devotion

Demonstrated his affection with bEARLike consistency

From EARLy morning, dusk, till dawn

He stands by her side yEARLong

Their love his home and EARLdom

Their lives proceeded linEARLy

They moved as one, rectilinEARLy

And though they're nEARLy at the sunset of their days

They hold hands and stare at each other, tEARLess

The joy the feel, boundless; their love, gEARLess

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( b y  M i k e )

Even after realizing lies

Analyzing rude, loquacious eyes

Risking life, embracing aftermaths

Leaving every artificial rath

Easing, and releasing lethargy 

Also reeling, lacking empathy

Running low, espoused antitheses

Learning endings are resyntheses

Every afternoon resetting light

And requited ladylove elide

Rambling, languishing, eating, aching

Losses earned adding, ricocheting 

Elected at reordered limits 

Affected, reading lasting edits

Romance, like electorates, adjure

Livid, each anathema recur 

Essex adjusts, rousing lawlessness

Apathy rusts, liquid earnestness

Righteousness leaving every abode

Living entreaties already rode 

Escape, a recourse laborious 

Anon, reprobates left egregious

Routing lust, evading atrophy

Leches exposed, agile rectory

Embers arise, rekindling lovers 

Amplified, radiant laurels enter

Rectify lucid errors appealed

Lyrical emotions are revealed

Endings are restarts legitimized

Ardor refreshed, lenses energized

Roads leading, endless awakenings

Lush emancipations are reigning

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