44 Things That Make You Feel Good

A warm fireplace. The smell of coffee A well-written story The last day of work before a vacation When you walk in through a door someone held open Sunrises and sunsets Warming your hands in someone's coat pockets Early morning cuddles Walking in the rain and jumping into puddles When someones says, "That's why I like you" Chooses something good for you From the overwhelming restaurant menu And hands you a wet tissue when you get ice cream all over you Seeing blue lakes and fluffy clouds And snow-capped mountains down a hillside Someone who asks "Would you like some medicine to help with your cold?" Dreaming of traveling around the world Laughing out loud at a hilarious joke Making a little kid laugh when you pretend you're a frog and croak Stopping in the middle of nowhere to look for the Milky Way Making someone's day A kind word from a random person on the street An ice cream treat Seeing a baby walk for the f...